Audio Recording Assignment

Sherry Te
2 min readJul 19, 2017


Disclaimer: If the track won’t load in this Medium post, please log-in through SoundCloud to access this track, and it might be better to directly scroll through the track itself at anytime since it takes long for the track to buffer and load if you click play to start the track. Please contact me, if you encounter any problems. Cheers!

This will how it look like if you access SoundCloud:

Technicalities of the Interview

  1. I initially used the deafult app of my iPhone, Voice Memos, but there was a lot of hissing noise when my interviewee is not speaking. Hence, I used Rode Rec, a third party iPhone app suggested in class. It works better as it mitigated the technical hissing sound.
  2. I was speaking as the interviewer to ask my interviewee. Initally I used internal microphone, but figured that it works better to use my headphone’s microphone.
  3. The distance of the headphone’s microphone was one-and-a-half hand away, between both of us speakers. It is the most optimal position for the clarity of both our voices.
  4. We thought about set up to eradicate unnecessary and background noice. We made sure that the windows and doors were closed in a carpeted room. We were initially standing, but then we could not help but move, then the fidgeting and squeaking was recorded. We decided to sit down to prevent some moving, which worked better, and our interview became more stable after several tries.
  5. The Rode Rec app was quite a bit complicated to use, it took me minutes to figure out how it worked, and manipulated the frequencies as well. The uploading was also tricky, as I have to made sure it was properly uploaded to SoundCloud.
  6. The uploading was tricky since the SoundCloud track won’t sometimes directly work on this Medium post, and you have to log in, access SoundCloud and scroll through the track itself since it takes a long time to buffer and load and start the track. Hence, see Disclaimer.

